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Stanhope Primary



Joining Stanhope in Reception:

Children start in Reception the September after their fourth birthday.

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 then they are due to start the first year of primary school (Reception Class) in September 2025. 

You must apply directly to the council that you are living in at the time of application, regardless of the borough which the school is in.

The deadline for applying for primary school is 15th January 2025. Applications received after this date are late and will not be considered until after national offer day. 

The national offer day for on time applicants is 16th April 2025. 

If you live in the borough of Ealing, you can apply via Ealing Council’s website, or go directly to Apply for a primary school place or Ealing Primary School Admissions

The Council’s website gives full and clear advice on the whole process. If you need extra help to complete your application, please contact the school’s admin team on 020 8575 9989 or the school office.

If your child has been offered a school place, you will receive an invitation to visit the school together before the end of July. In the event of any periods of school closures, this will be done virtually.


Admissions during the school year or to other year groups:

For any other type of application, you should contact Ealing’s admissions team directly.

You can phone them on (020) 8825 5511 between 9am and 12 noon Monday to Friday or email at schooladmissions@ealing.gov.uk

If you are applying to transfer your children from another Ealing school, you will first need to notify your current school to talk about why you want to move your child.

Admissions during the school year or in September to year groups other than Reception are all referred to as ‘in-year applications.

You can apply here for an in-year school primary place.

Visiting Stanhope Primary School and Nursery

If you are thinking of applying for a place for your child, please make an appointment to visit the school. We recognise parents have other priorities therefore we are very flexible and will try to accommodate any day or time that best suits you.

Please contact the school on 020 8575 9989 or email admissions@stanhope.ealing.sch.uk


Admissions to Stanhope Primary School and Nursery

We are responsible for admissions to our Nursery.

All other admissions to the school are processed centrally by Ealing Council’s school admissions team.

Joining Stanhope Nursery

Stanhope Nursery welcomes children from the term after the child's 3rd birthday.

We have two sessions

AM- 8.30am until 11.30am

PM- 12.30pm until 3.30pm

All parents are entitled to the Universal 15 hours of Government funded childcare a week for children aged 3 and 4 years old. All children entitled to this funding the term after they turn 3 years old. Their birthday must fall before the cut-off date in order to receive funding the following term.

These dates are:

  • 31st August for the Autumn term (September - December)
  • 31st December for the Spring term (January - April)
  • 31st March for the Summer term (May - August)

Stanhope are delighted to offer 30 hours free childcare for eligible parents.

In addition to the 15 hours Nursery provision for all children, working parents will be able to get an additional 15 hours free childcare, bringing the total number of hours to 30 a week for children aged 3 and 4 years.

The 30 hours will be offered over 5 days, between 8.30am – 3:30pm, please see the information below regarding fees. 

To qualify for the 30 hrs:

  • Both parents are in work
  • Single/sole parent is in work
  • Be employed or self-employed
  • Each parent earns less than £100,000 per year
  • One parent works and one is on specific disability or caring benefits
  • Parent/s work/s for at least 16 hours or on zero-hour contract/s

A joint online application system via www.childcarechoices.gov.uk will provide simple and straightforward access to register on the scheme. Checking of eligibility will be undertaken by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

NB: The school is able to offer an additional 15 hours to those not eligible for the funded hours. A fee will be charged and we would be happy to accept Childcare Vouchers by way of payment.

Application forms are not available online and must be collected from the school. The application form, plus the originals of birth certificate and proof of address, must be returned to the school, where the school will take copies of the supporting documents.

We are proud to be supporting this initiative.