Breakfast & After School Club
Stanhope Breakfast & After School Club provides a friendly, safe environment for your child before school and after school.
Extended Schools (including Breakfast Club, after school clubs and holiday activities)
The government has set out a core offer of extended services that they would like all schools to offer access to (in partnership with local authorities and local providers):
- Quality childcare – high quality ‘wraparound’ childcare for primary age pupils, either on the school site or signposted to local providers
- Out of school activities – a varied menu of activities to be on offer such as homework clubs and booster classes, sport, dance and drama, arts and crafts, special interest clubs
- Parenting support – including information sessions for parents and family learning sessions to allow children to learn with their parents
- Signposting to a wide range of services – to provide support at an early stage for children and young people with additional needs such as behavioural, emotional, health or other difficulties.
- Community access to school facilities – to enable greater community use of school facilities
We have unlimited use of the Stanhope Kitchen, Games Room and Board Room as well as the school’s outdoor areas.
The Club has an established, experienced and qualified staff team.
The Breakfast & After School Club at Stanhope Primary aims to support busy parents by providing a caring, safe and fun filled environment for their children within a familiar setting. The breakfast club operates from 7:45am until 8:45am. Breakfast is included in the cost and is served until 8:30am.
The after school club runs from 3:30pm until 5:45pm. You can book your child in via ParentMail as often as you need. You’re welcome to come and see the club in action.
Breakfast and after-school provision is available for children in Reception to Year 6. If we have the appropriate staffing, an exception may be made for children, for example, who are vulnerable.
Staff members take part in suggesting ideas for weekly planning for the following week.
A balance of activities is aimed for, including: Art and craft, games – outdoor and indoor, quiet activities – reading, colouring, construction, Interactive activities – board games and dancing competitions. Children are encouraged to mix across the age groups and to help and support one another.
- Breakfast Club: £4.00 per day
- After School Club (half session ): £4.50 per day
- After School Club (full session): £9.50 per day
We provide a variety of food each day which includes: cereal, fresh fruit, toast, sandwiches, meat/vegetarian wraps, pizza, yoghurts, crumpets and fruit juice. We cater for individual dietary needs.
Please click on the link below to our Holiday Club page