Clubs Provision
School clubs play a vital role in the personal development of children, offering a range of benefits beyond the regular academic curriculum. By joining various clubs, pupils have the opportunity to develop essential skills, explore their interests, engage in social interactions, and even assume leadership roles. These experiences contribute to their overall growth and help shape their individuality. Moreover, these club experiences prepare them for their future careers.
In-House Clubs
Following our successful setup of in-house clubs, children from Year 1 to Year 6 can sign up to an after school club.
These clubs that are being offered at a small fee of £5 and run by staff, who give up their own time. However, some clubs have a small charge for materials and resources. This is a one-off payment, which should be brought to the first session of the club. We have a list of these fantastic clubs that can be accessed within the weekly newsletter and is emailed out to parents on ParentMail. Our in-house clubs run on Mondays and Thursday from 3:30pm to 4:20pm. Take a look at some of our wonderful clubs and sign your child up now!
Sports Clubs
We are very privileged to work alongside The Elms Group who run sporting clubs for our pupils to attend.
You can sign up to their clubs on offer here: