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Stanhope Primary


Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Stanhope.

Each term the children in Nursery through to Year 6 are given a specific e-safety topic to discuss and explore.

We want to give the children the skills to be able to make informed choices and to know what to do if they find themselves in a situation. Every year Stanhope takes part in a worldwide Safer Internet Day campaign and biannually we offer training to parents and staff exploring various e-safety topics at our special evening event. Each term Digital Parenting magazines are distributed to all parents and staff. 

The NSPCC helpline provides help and support to thousands of parents, professionals and families. The NSPCC helpline is a place adults can contact by phone or online to get advice or share their concerns about a child, anonymously if they wish. It's staffed by professional practitioners with backgrounds in jobs like teaching, healthcare and social work, who know how to spot the signs of abuse and what to do to help.

Parents and carers often have lots of questions, such as what is the right age to leave a child home alone, what to do about bullying or how to keep their children safe online. Whatever the issue, the NSPCC are there 24/7 to keep children safe. Professionals such as teachers and doctors also contact them for information and guidance. Their helpline staff will provide expert advice and support on 0808 800 5000

Are you worried your child may see or hear for something inappropriate online?

It is important that parents and carers have regular conversations with children about how to keep safe online.

Setting parental controls can also help protect young children when they are online. Parental controls are designed to help parents and carers manage their child's online activities. There are various types, some of which are free. However, nothing is totally fool proof and apps do not replace the need for adults to support and advise children using the internet.

Are you SMART on the internet?

At Stanhope Primary School we take E-safety very seriously and all children are regularly taught lessons on how to keep themselves safe online.

We embrace the fact that we live in a digital world and rather than prevent children from using the internet and accessing the vast amount of information, entertainment and resources it offers, we encourage children to use the internet but teach them to use it safely. Our staff and governors also receive regular, comprehensive training on e-safety and so are well equipped to deal with any questions or problems which may arise.

Please click on the website links below if you would like more advice or information.