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Stanhope Primary

Parent and Teachers Association (pta)

Welcome to our PTA Page

PTAs are in fact a great way to help make a positive impact in your child’s school, be that through pushing for new initiatives or helping to improve the communication between home and school.

The PTA has two core roles:

•   To raise funds using a range of fundraising events to purchase items that the school would otherwise be unable to provide.

•   To help develop and sustain positive relationships between all parents and between parents and teachers. We do this with social events and a whole variety of consultation opportunities.


How do I become a member of PTA?

By default, every parent, guardian, teacher or carer of a child at Stanhope Primary School is automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). By going along to the meetings you’re acting as a representative for the rest of the parents who may not be able to attend but still have concerns and ideas they need communicated. Not only this, but attending these meetings is a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.


Why do we need the PTA?

The PTA is here for you - the parents, guardians and teachers of all the children who attend Stanhope Primary School.


Our main aim is to raise funds to purchase items that would otherwise fall outside the school's budget such as equipment, books, etc, and help support trips and days out by funding the cost of the coaches. We also provide an informal social network for parents.



If you feel you would like to get involved either by helping at an event, giving us a great idea or you have a skill that you think we could use, making cakes, marketing or PR experience to name but a few then please get in touch.


Stay informed about what is going on in school

By attending your school’s PTA meetings you’ll be kept in the loop about what’s going on in the school first-hand as opposed to hearing it through playground Chinese Whispers. Not only this, but you’ll be able to voice your opinions on what new initiatives the school may be bringing in and also use this as a forum to voice any concerns or ideas you may have.

Make a positive impact in your child’s education

Attending events outside of your home and work life is a great example to set for your child. They will understand the importance of making commitments and following them through, but also the importance of donating their free time to worthwhile causes. Not only this, but issues discussed within these meetings regarding the school have a direct impact on your child’s education and it is important that you get to have a say in these matters.

You can choose how involved you are

Being a part of our school PTA isn’t like signing a contract, you’re not expected to attend every single meeting, you can be as involved as much as you like. We know how busy and valuable your time is and understand that committing to every meeting is a hard task. Attending once or twice a year and volunteering at fundraising events is more than enough, and will make a positive impact.

Have a say in where money raised is spent

Being an active member of our PTA means, you have a part to play in where money raised is spent. The great thing is that through fundraising, brainstorming you can provide our school and its pupils with resources, and opportunities that we may not have otherwise been able to afford. These can include funding school trips, providing IT equipment that is needed or revamping areas of the playground. Whatever it is, you will help to make a difference to your child’s and other pupils.

If you want to be involved you can contribute by:

  • Being a committee member – with a title (secretary, etc) or as an ordinary committee member. This means attending meetings a few times a term. Perhaps meetings at varied times may help make this easy for a variety of parents to attend – no need to come to them all.
  • Helping out at events.
  • Letting the PTA know what your talents are. The PTA would like to make a ‘knowledge base’ of parents’ skills and interests. If you have a special skill of any kind they would like to hear from you: this might be your line of work, language, cooking specialities, hobbies, or indeed your own history.


Match Funding!

Have you heard of Match Funding? 

It is a scheme that many employers especially big employers) do, to support charities and organisations such as schools in their  community.  They will financially match the funds raised at an event if their employee has been supporting it. 

So if the Christmas Fair for example, raised £1500 and their employee helped on a stall, they would match it and the school would raise £3000 instead. 

These charitable contributions are tax deductible for employers.  However, they need to know that you are taking part so please approach your employer to see if they run such a scheme.  We really appreciate all the help we can get to maximise our fund raising because as you will be aware, our school budget is stretched to the limit!