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Stanhope Primary


Volunteer with Us


Stanhope Primary School welcomes volunteers to assist the staff and pupils on our learning journey.

All Volunteers that wish to volunteer at Stanhope Primary School are expected to:

  • Complete a short application form
  • Participate in a short interview
  • Read information about the school, including the school website
  • Adhere to the schools Safeguarding policy and protocols
  • Agree to the statutory background checks required for those who work with children

If you answer yes to all of these questions, then we would love to hear from you. Being a volunteer at Stanhope is a very rewarding experience. We currently have a variety of volunteers – both from our parent body and from the wider community, which we are hoping to grow further in the future.

All Volunteers will have an initial induction meeting with a member of our Senior Leadership Team.

Our Volunteers must specify the amount and regularity of time they are prepared to offer. This must be committed and adhered to. Pupils at Stanhope respond well to consistency so our volunteers must commit to a consistent approach whatever their allocated roles.

The school is committed to supporting volunteers and understands that time must be given for all new volunteers to settle in. However if the school leader does view the volunteer placement as unsuccessful, the school retains the right to terminate the placement.

All volunteers are subject to school protocol and policies, including Safeguarding protocols.

We hope you will enjoy your volunteering journey with us.

Volunteering to support Stanhope  form 

Please click on this form to apply/download and fill in the details required. 

Please return the completed form to volunteer@stanhope.ealing.sch.uk


 Handbook for Volunteers and Students